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Our Unique Training Approach

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Our unique training approach is designed to enhance your existing fitness program or get you into a new fitness program in an affordable manner. We work initially directly with you to get you comfortable with your new fitness plan then work to work with you virtually as you become more independent with your workout plan. 


Our approach consists of three phases where we are working with you directly in the early stages of the plan with the goal of having you work more and more independently as fitness becomes an important part of your lifestyle. 

Three Phases

Initial goal setting


Personalized training plan

(includes your first 60 minute training session)

This is the first step in getting your plan set up and its free! In order to develop a custom plan for you, we need to understand your fitness goals, your previous workout history, any physical limitations you may have, and how best to interact with you. This free session can take place via the phone or in person. 

This phase involves the development of your first personalized fitness plan geared toward your specific goals. This plan consists of an 8 - 12 week fitness plan and includes one 60 minute training session with an NLF trainer. This initial session allows the NLF trainer to instruct you on the exercises in your plan and also allows you to ask questions and make suggestions for changes you may want to your plan. You and your trainer will discuss if and how many additional training sessions you may want or need. 

Ongoing training sessions

In this phase you will be working more and more on your own through the virtual app while having periodic sessions with the NLF trainer. You will still receive updates to your fitness plan and other communications via the virtual app. You, in conjunction with your NLF trainer, will determine how often you need direct in person 1-1 sessions with your NLF trainer. 

Get in Touch


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